Monday, January 12, 2015

Questions some ladies ask their ex-boyfriends

We all know that after a break up, because of the emotional attachment, the girl (especially because her nature) doesn't really find it easy to let go. She is still very used to him: the tone of his voice, fragrance, walking style, way he knocks on your door, his best food, likes and dislikes etc. As such, when she hears a voice like his, she impulsively rushes to take a quick glance with a heart full of
mixed feelings.
After you "dumped" her, her emotions produced some of these questions and she wishes to ask you...
1. Was What You Had For Me "Love"?
She needs to ask because you bought her jewelries while you had a "Jewel" by one corner. She can't tell because you said You Loved Her so often that she stopped using her initiative only for you to... Break her heart. Now, she can't trust no one because of you!
2. Did You Show Care Just To Get Me Laid?
This is when she feels she's just been used. Though she's nice- she's given a lot into the relationship. She feels cheated. Probably, you're her First Love. Just any average lady will open up when you show her Care and Attention.
She will go celibate for weeks...
3. Where Do I Start From?
A feeling of helplessness and hopelessness begins to set in. She has planned settling down with you- beginning from the scratch and now you shatter her hope and broke her heart! Some can commit suicide or even go after you. It's not good! Don't start what you can't finish!
4. Am I As Beautiful As You Described?
I really don't know what she wants to do with this information o. But I guess she's trying to get the guy to the "past" which the guy is running from- Mind games!  Ladies shaaa!
5. Don't You Miss Me?
NOT Do you miss me But Don't you miss me? It's like you have to miss her. 
"Yes" has serious implication. "No" sound demeaning. How to put it varies for different ladies. Some stalkers need a Big NO! In fact, you need to report them to the Police! Lol! Even in your dreams, they're still on your matter! 55 missed calls in one day! Na wa oo! He doesn't miss you! Move on!
6. Is She Prettier/Hotter Than Me?
Question 5 often lead to this.
I smell jealousy and confusion already. She doesn't even want to know if you have got a successor yet oo. The tone of her voice is usually high at this point. She wants to know. Saying this isn't helpful as it will help her hate you the more. Just change the subject or be silent.
7. How Did I Ever Fall In Love With You?
After years of dating, it's now you deem it fit to ask...OK... We all know that's out of anger and disappointment. That's still because you broke her trust.She is mad at you!
All these are from my perspective. I may be wrong even as all LADIES ARE NOT THE SAME.
So ladies: When jilted or dumped and you still feeling a thing or two for him, What are those questions you really want to ask him?
By Emusmith

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